Studies in Art Law Vol 25: The Art of Pricing the Priceless
October 28, 2015
Art and antiques sales on the international market have generated tens of billions of dollars in total sale proceeds, which continues to grow every year. Prices have also increased significantly, certain sales exceeding considerable amounts. Thus, the art market seems to have no boundaries.
Given this context, how are art prices determined? The aim of this book is to define the relevant criteria in the valuation of art and the associated risks.
This book goes through all the main areas which are subject to the issue of pricing art, including litigation, art sales, auction guarantees, art as a collateral for loans, and taxation. It brings together the contributions by the following professors: Sylvain Marchand, Benedict Foëx, Xavier Oberson and Henry Peter, as well by Pierre Valentin, Paul-Benoît Duvoisin, Pierre Gabus and Anne Laure Bandle.
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