29 septembre 2022

Lunch talk: How auction guarantees affect the sale of an artwork

Dans le cadre de nos événements « exclusif membres », nous sommes ravis de vous convier à une conférence en ligne (par Zoom) Lunch Talk: How auction guarantees affect the sale of an artwork le jeudi 29 septembre 2022 à 12h30.

Il n’y a rien de plus passionnant qu’une vente aux enchères où deux enchérisseurs s’affrontent et font continuellement grimper le prix d’adjudication jusqu’à ce que le marteau tombe. De telles batailles d’enchères sur des « top lots », c’est-à-dire des œuvres d’art valant des millions, sont de plus en plus rares. La raison en est que ces œuvres sont déjà « pré-vendues », car une garantie a été convenue avec le vendeur. Par conséquent, le vendeur se voit promettre un certain prix de vente – le prix garanti – qui lui sera versé dans tous les cas, quel que soit le résultat de la vente aux enchères pour l’œuvre.

Nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir pour cette discussion Christine Bourron, directrice générale et fondatrice de Pi-eX Ltd, et Melanie Damani, avocate et spécialiste du marché de l’art, et d’y examiner ce que sont les garanties de vente aux enchères, comment elles fonctionnent et quel est leur impact dans le marché de l’art. Cette discussion (en anglais) sera animée par Anne Laure Bandle, directrice de la FDA.


Les oratrices

Melanie Damani is a lawyer specialised in wealth structuring and estate planning as well as an art market specialist. She is based in Geneva and work with UHNWI around their art collections, providing legal and management advices, in particular on how to past it to the next generation.

Melanie Damani is currently co-writing a book on Swiss inheritance law with Professor Audrey Leuba, Dean of the Law faculty of Geneva University. Prior to this mission, Melanie
Damani was Head of the Art advisory at Edmond de Rothschild Group in Geneva. She worked withing the Wealth solutions department, which aims to assist clients with protecting,
increasing and transferring their wealth over generation. She later founded and ran Hottinger Art Limited, a company providing art services for collectors of the Hottinger Group, a
multi-family office based in London.

Before developing her career as an art advisor, Melanie was a corporate lawyer practicing at top tier Swiss and international law firms. In her last role as a lawyer, Melanie was an associate within the Wealth management group of law firm Baker & McKenzie in Zurich. She advised individuals, trust companies, private banks and other financial institutions on a wide range of fiduciary issues including international tax, wealth and estate planning matters. She was also involved in mergers and acquisitions, general corporate, and intellectual property matters.

Melanie holds a MA (Hons) in Law from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, as well as a MA of laws (LL.M.) form the University of California at Berkeley. She also holds a MA (Hons) in Art Business from the Sotheby’s Institute of Art (London), jointly delivered by the University of Manchester. Melanie was presented with an award for Excellence in Business Development at the 2019 City of London Wealth Management Awards. Melanie is Swiss and Italian and practices in French, English, Italian and German.



Christine Bourron is the CEO and founder of Pi‐eX, a London based independent research company focusing on providing transparent data analysis and monthly reports highlighting the latest trends in the public auction market. Pi‐eX’s 12‐month rolling Auction Market Index (AMI) helps art collectors and investors optimize their investments by better understanding and managing risk and volatility in the fine art and luxury markets.

In 1998, Christine founded PaintingsDIRECT.com. Based in New York, the company represented more than 500 contemporary artists and was one of the first galleries to offer art online. Christine also worked for Corporate Decisions Inc., a strategy consulting firm in Boston, US, Apple Computer in Kiev, Ukraine, and Procter & Gamble in Paris, France.

Christine has been a member of PAIAM (Professional Advisors to the International Art Market) since 2017 and a Board member since 2019. She is often quoted in the press (The Financial Times, New York Times, The Art Newspaper, Artnews, The Art Market Monitor, Artnet, Artprice) and has recently published a peer‐reviewed article on the impact of the pandemic on the public auction market with a comparison of the Covid‐19 crisis versus the financial crisis and the 2016 crisis ( https://www.mdpi.com/2076‐0752/10/4/74).




Cet événement se tiendra en anglais.

Pour vous inscrire, nous vous prions d’envoyer un email à Valérie Leuba leuba@artlawfoundation.com, d’ici mardi 27 septembre à midi.

Les coordonnées d’accès seront communiquées aux participants en début d’après-midi ce même jour.

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