Foundation | Team | Board | Partners

Pierre Gabus

Attorney-at-law, President of the Board

Pierre Gabus exerce le métier d’avocat à titre indépendant depuis 1985. Après avoir dirigé la Fondation pour le droit de l’art dès l’année 2002, il assume désormais la présidence du Conseil depuis la fin de l’année 2010. Il est également président du Conseil d’administration d’une banque coopérative. Pierre Gabus est notamment co-éditeur du commentaire LTBC paru chez Schulthess ainsi que du volume 25 des Etudes en droit de l’art “L’art a-t-il un prix ? The Art of Pricing the Priceless”.

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Lionel Aeschlimann

Managing Partner, Miraubaud Group

Lionel Aeschlimann joined Mirabaud & Cie in 2010 as a member of the Executive Committee. He has been Managing Partner since January 2011 and has been CEO of Mirabaud Asset Management since its creation in 2012. Previously, he was a partner at the Swiss law firm Schellenberg Wittmer, Geneva and Zurich, where he headed the firm’s banking and finance practice. Mr. Aeschlimann is also a member of the Swiss Takeover Board, as well as a member of the Board of the Fondation Avenir Suisse.

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Yaniv Benhamou

Associate professor of digital law, University of Geneva

Yaniv Benhamou is an associate professor of digital law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva specialized in data protection, intellectual property, Internet law and technologies (including Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Humanities). He is a member of the University’s Digital Law Center (DLC). Since 2015, he co-organizes with Prof. Jacques de Werra the WIPO-UNIGE Summer School on Intellectual Property, and the Digital Law Summer School. Since 2018, he has been mandated as an international expert by WIPO for copyright and museums issues, including author of the Report on Copyright Practices and Challenges of Museums, as well as for Big Data and Intellectual Property. He has also co-directed a research project on the Digitization of Museum Collections.

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Gloria Gaggioli

Associate professor in public international law, University of Geneva, director of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights

Gloria Gaggioli is an international lawyer with more than 15 years academic and practical experience. She has researched and taught in several Universities in Switzerland, France, Denmark, Sweden and the US and has worked as legal adviser at the International Committee of the Red Cross (Geneva). She is specialised in international humanitarian law and human rights law and has published extensively on international law. She is Associate Professor at the University of Geneva and Director of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. She is also member of the Board of Geneva Call and of the International Review of the Red Cross.

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Sandrine Giroud


Sandrine Giroud is a partner with Geneva-based law firm LALIVE. She specialises in domestic and international litigation, private clients disputes, and art law. As an attorney, Sandrine advises art collectors, art market professionals and museums on art-related disputes and transactions. An avid art enthusiast, she sits on the foundation board of the Swiss National Museum and is a member of several art-related associations, including the Professional Advisors to the International Art Market (PAIAM) and the International Bar Association (IBA) Art, Cultural Institutions and Heritage Law Committee. Sandrine is also a regular speaker at international art law conferences and the author of many articles in this field. She holds a Master of Law from the University of Fribourg, an LL.M. in International Dispute Settlement from the University of Geneva, and an Advanced Certificate in Trust Disputes from the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).

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Mauro Natale

Professor of art history, University of Geneva

Mauro Natale is Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Arts, University of Geneva.

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Eveline de Proyart

Chairwoman, Christie's Switzerland

Eveline de Proyart est la Vice-Présidente de Christie’s pour la Suisse et la directrice générale du bureau de Christie’s à Genève, en charge du développement des activités de Christie’s en Suisse Romande. Responsable de la stratégie et des événements, elle est l’interlocutrice privilégiée des collectionneurs d’art de cette région.

Eveline de Proyart est entrée chez Christie’s en 1994 au poste de directrice de la communication et de la presse pour la Suisse. Pendant sept ans, elle a défini les stratégies de communication, géré les relations avec les journalistes ainsi que l’organisation d’évènements dans toute la Suisse. En 2001 son rôle s’étend aux développement des relations avec les collectionneurs et l’ensemble des conseillers professionnels. Depuis 2012 elle dirige le bureau de Genève.

Avant de rejoindre Christie’s, Eveline de Proyart avait travaillé pour deux prestigieuses sociétés de luxe françaises, pendant 12 ans pour Louis Vuitton et pendant 4 ans pour Harel.

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Stéphanie Schleining

Director, Bonhams Switzerland

Following the completion of a master’s degree in art history and French literature at the University of Geneva, Stéphanie pursued further postgraduate studies in marketing and communications. Stéphanie brings with her 25 years of experience in the international art market having worked with Daniel Varenne, a distinguished art dealer in Geneva, and then for international auction houses such as Phillips and Sotheby’s. She spent over two decades at Sotheby’s holding key roles including Head of Sales in Switzerland and Senior Specialist in Swiss art. Since 2024 she is the director of Bonhams Switzerland.

Beyond her expertise in Swiss art, Stéphanie has extensive experience in business development, project and team management, as well as art advisory for private and corporate collectors in Europe and the United States. She played a pivotal role in promoting Swiss art internationally and, as an auctioneer, had the privilege of auctioning masterpieces, contributing to the establishment of record prices in the field.

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Boris Wastiau

Anthropologist, Director, Alimentarium, Vevey

Boris Wastiau is the director of the Alimentarium in Vevey since 2022. Previously, he was the director of Ethnography Museum Geneva (MEG) and responsible for the successful completion of the new museum, which reopened to the public on 31 October 2014, as well as the reorientation and repositioning of the institution, which won the European Museum of the Year Award in 2017. He was a lecturer, then a full professor, in the History and Anthropology of Religions Unit of the University of Geneva, from 2009 to 2019. Before that, he worked for 11 years as a curator at the Royal Museum for Central Africa (Belgium). After studying anthropology at the Free University of Brussels and the University of Coimbra, he completed a doctoral thesis in art anthropology on possession cults with the University of East Anglia in 1997. Throughout his studies and his professional career, Boris Wastiau carried out numerous research missions in the field, both in Africa and in Latin America. A specialist in Central African cultures and religions and in critical museology, he also works on the provenance of African collections, illicit trafficking and restitution issues. He is the author of numerous books and exhibitions, including ExitCongoMuseum (2000), Mahamba (2000), Chokwe (2006), Médusa en Afrique (2008), Amazonie. Le chamane et la pensée de la forêt (2016), Afrique. Les religions de l’extase (2018).

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